hitler salute中文什么意思

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  1. " it looks like he ' s just pointing up to the sky and we were surprised that anyone saw the so - called " hitler salute " in that
    兰格说: “一些顾客的反应让我们很惊讶,塑像不过是将手指向天空,竟然有人称那是‘希特勒塑像’ 。
  2. " we were astonished by the reaction , " lange said . " it looks like he s just pointing up to the sky and we were surprised that anyone saw the so - called hitler salute in that
    兰格说: “一些顾客的反应让我们很惊讶,塑像不过是将手指向天空,竟然有人称那是‘希特勒塑像’ 。
  3. Berlin reuters - a german chain of shops has removed miniature wooden santa claus figures from its shelves and destroyed them after customers complained it looked like they were giving the stiff - armed hitler salute that is outlawed
  4. Berlin ( reuters ) - a german chain of shops has removed miniature wooden santa claus figures from its shelves and destroyed them after customers complained it looked like they were giving the stiff - armed hitler salute that is outlawed


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